Environmental, Health and Safety

Zimmer Biomet Commitment

Zimmer Biomet is committed to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees, our customers and the public.

We maintain management systems designed to ensure compliance with applicable regulations and company requirements, and which support the integration of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) into our business processes.

Zimmer Biomet is committed to the protection of human health and prevention of pollution. We strive to identify and eliminate negative EHS impacts associated with our facilities, activities, services and products throughout their lifecycle.

We commit to continual improvement of our EHS management systems and performance. We establish EHS objectives and targets, conduct management systems and performance evaluations, and periodically share results with our employees, our customers and the public.

Zimmer Biomet will support dialogue with interested parties, including our employees, customers and the public, and we will be responsive to their EHS concerns and suggestions. We will share information and openly communicate about our EHS management systems and EHS impacts of our activities, services and products.

Zimmer Biomet facility managers have the primary responsibility for implementing this policy, allocating resources and establishing and supporting EHS programs. Management at all levels will take actions to ensure that all employees understand the meaning and importance of this policy. Our employees are responsible for integrating EHS considerations into their work activities.

The Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) Codes of Practice set forth Zimmer Biomet EHS requirements for our business functions and facilities worldwide. In essence, the Codes operationalize the Company EHS Policy. The EHS Codes of Practice serve as a blueprint for increasing productivity, growth, and customer focus by integrating EHS into our day-to-day business management systems. The Codes also support compliance with all applicable EHS regulations and Company EHS policies and requirements. They serve as the basis for continuous improvement of our operations worldwide.

Read the entire EHS Codes of Practice

System Evaluation

A corporate internal audit program verifies compliance with regulations and effective EHS activities. Annual self-assessments are conducted to determine compliance with EHS Codes of Practice. EHS related metrics are collected annually to track progress. 

By harmonizing environmental sustainability across the manufacturing network, Zimmer Biomet works to reduce impacts with focus in the following areas:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions as calculated to the equivalent of Carbon Dioxide (CO2e), also known as the carbon footprint
  • Hazardous waste generation
  • Wastes that become landfilled are being recycled or re-purposed
  • Reductions in the consumption of water
  • Corporate Energy and Water Requirements direct and guide sites to continuously reduce or improve the utilization of these consumables. Metrics gathered at the site level further drive positive outcomes by high-lighting utility usage and trends
  • Energy Audits have been conducted at the largest Zimmer Biomet campuses to locate significant energy uses and focus our Teams' efforts on managing these sources with the greatest efficiency. Less impactful energy consumption points are located with energy “treasure hunts” to drive down consumption and educate our workforce on energy conservation
  • During 2015 as the two legacy companies merged to become Zimmer Biomet, an enterprise-wide Resource Conservation project was conducted. The project collected key data on environmental impacts, which then became the baseline to measure improvements and best practices going forward


  • Energy efficient lighting is being installed across our network of facilities to reduce electricity consumption and improve the illumination of work spaces and parking lots
  • Combined key environmental metrics collected from sites around the globe to continue our long standing support and reporting to the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP)
  • Zimmer Biomet is a corporate sponsor of ACRES Land Trust, Indiana’s oldest and largest local land conservation non-profit.  ACRES protects over 6,000 acres of forests, wetlands, grasslands and unique geological features within 100 nature preserves
  • Facilities across North America, Europe and China are reporting on waste elimination, recycling and energy efficiencies, including continuous improvement projects that support the Zimmer Biomet environmental sustainability mission

Zimmer Biomet Environmental Sustainability Mission:
Zimmer Biomet Environmental Sustainability supports our business mission of corporate citizenship by delivering value to healthcare providers, their patients, and stockholders, while embracing our social responsibilities. This mission commits us to environmental stewardship and drives us to continuously identify and act on opportunities for environmental performance improvement.


Press Release: Zimmer Biomet Earns EPA Recognition for Converting Warsaw-Indiana Headquarters to 100-Percent Green Power

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