Chondrofix Osteochondral Allograft transforms the repair of full-thickness osteochondral lesions to a new level of convenience. Chondrofix Allograft is the first off-the-shelf osteochondral allograft. Each graft combines inherent qualities of donor human bone and cartilage with the advantages of simplicity and safety. It is intended for homologous use to repair osteochondral lesions in diarthrodial joints.
Composed of donated human decellularized hyaline cartilage and cancellous bone, Chondrofix Allograft possesses relevant mechanical properties that are comparable to unprocessed osteochondral tissue.
During the proprietary processing, original characteristics of the osteochondral tissue, such as cartilage thickness and stiffness, are retained. Chondrofix Allograft is an option for patients who experience knee pain and seek early and innovative treatment from a sports medicine specialist.
Chondrofix Allograft delivers mechanical stability, structure and osteoconductivity to a knee compromised by Grade III or Grade IV osteochondral lesions and concomitant injuries. The Chondrofix Allograft process does not compromise the graft’s ability to endure the load demands of the active patient. The Chondrofix Allograft is able to withstand immediate post-operative weight bearing, while healing takes place.Unlike cell based therapies that may require longer-term progressive rehabilitation protocols, typically, the Chondrofix Allograft patient is at full weight bearing 6-8 weeks post-surgery.
Give your patients the advantages of allograft tissue without a waiting period. With processing that includes viral inactivation and terminal sterilization steps, Chondrofix Allograft is ready for use. There is no wait.